Spent yesterday afternoon fixing the first bracket for the towing eyes on the 4x4. Definitely more difficult to fit with the sump guard in place and managed to nip the end of my finger trying to lever it back into position - ouch! A plastic bush on the tie rod kept popping back out making the job a tad frustrating. She's back on now though complete with bracket to accept one of the eyes and at least the hole in the end of my finger looks clean. With all the surface skin gone I was worried it might get infected as hands were black and oily at the time.
Missed planned 8m long run yesterday too as the job took longer than anticipated.
With the weather unsuitable for work today spent the afternoon preparing 2nd bracket for attachment to the other side and once the towing eyes are in position she'll be ready to tow once the electrics are sorted to work the car's lights (though I can always use the towing board)
Plans are under way now for the next two days Lakes recce. Claire has offered to support, but will want a site with electric hook-up. My preferred site (on route) at Stonethwaite has no hook-up and can be noisy, apparently. The CC Borrowdale site is fully booked so it looks like being a CL somewhere also off route.
MayDay weekend is a possibility - but I'm keen to get there a bit sooner...